Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well, it's been a few days since I last posted... I've really got to work on my blogging skills. But things have been kind of busy and a tad bit stressful. I've been battling with financial aid for the last week, but found out today that everything should be okay and now I don't have to stop going to school. That would have been a real buzz-kill in the whole me-getting-my-BFA department so I'm pretty relieved. (and for that I'm paying homage with a little humor! Love them!)
I promise to get back to work on our adventures soon. It's fun reliving the trip; and a little sad! This weekend we're preparing for our friends Josh and Kim's annual "Thanksgiving in July" party, which will be tons of fun. Every year they call in the masses to have a pot luck Thanksgiving dinner... Granted it is in July, by far one of the hottest (and usually most humid) times of the year; It makes me a little grateful that Scott doesn't cook the turkey at our house as he does in Novemeber (although I don't eat turkey :) Scott is planning on making some stuffed shells and I'm going to attempt to recreate the deviled eggs that I made with Scott's mom during our visit... I hope it turns out half as successful! I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm.... still waiting for more of the adventure. And by the way, your Deviled Eggs were great!
